Responsibilities of Officers and Committees
DEACONS:  Deacons serve in much the same way as the old Pastor-Parish Relations Council. They, in coordination with the Pastor, direct the spiritual direction of the Church as well as being the body which is charged with maintaining discipline.  Grievances or concerns which are presented by members of the congregation are reviewed and with prayerful consideration, solved.  Serve a 3 year term.
TRUSTEES:  The Trustees are responsible for the care of all Church property.  Serve a three year term.
MODERATOR:  This officer will preside over all business meetings and when necessary appoint people to fill any positions which may become vacant during their term.  The Moderator, in coordination with the Pastor and the Deacons will coordinate filling the pulpit when the Pastor is unavailable.
CLERK:  Maintains a written record of all business meetings and maintains all Church files and records. 
TREASURER:  Maintains the Church checkbook and issues payment for all expenses incurred by the Church.  Completes a quarterly financial report to be presented to the Church membership.  Is an authorized signer on all Church accounts.
FINANCIAL RECORDER:  Responsible for collection and accountability of all funds.  Makes deposit of all funds as soon as possible in the Church account and reports the amount and designation of all funds to the Treasurer for accounting.  Is a signer on all Church accounts.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE:  Committee of not less than 3 Church members who are appointed at the October business meeting and present a list of nominees to the January business meeting for consideration and election.
FINANCE COMMITTEE:  The Finance committee shall consist of the Treasurer, Financial Recorder and one, but not more than three, Church members.  This committee shall oversee the handling, placement and auditing of all Church financial records and
MISSIONS COMMITTEE:  Committee of not less than three Church members who are appointed by the Moderator at the January business meeting and shall serve for a minimum of one year.  This committee shall develop opportunities for our Church to reach out
to our local community as well as the world.  This may include things such as: Operation Christmas Child, Back Pack Ministry, Food Banks, support to our neighbors who may be in distress, other opportunities as they may arise.  This committee will also assist in creating opportunities for fund raising and other events.
NOTE:  The Pastors shall serve on all committees in an advisory role.  The Pastor may make motions, present ideas, and/or make suggestions but does not have a vote in any actions.  This ensures that all of our actions have the spiritual guidance necessary, but leaves the decisions to the Church body.